Two Things I Find Odd About President Trump
There is no denying that President Trump’s tenure as president has been rife with controversy. In fact, prior to him becoming the Commander and Chief, he was a polarizing figure in the real estate game as a savvy businessman. Notwithstanding, Donald J. Trump became a television icon of sorts on his hit show The Apprentice.
Now that President Trump has been in office a little over two years, I have noticed several things that I find odd about his presidency. I will only focus on two things.
Trump Doesn’t Want to Kill Newborn Babies
During the 2019 State of The Union (SOTU), President Trump called on Congress to pass a bill forbidding the “execution” of new born babies, “who could feel pain”. Of course the majority, if not all, of Republican lawmakers stood and clapped when he said this. However, ironically, and perhaps terrifying, Democrat women who were decked out in white as a sign of purity (I guess) didn’t stand and clap. You would think when the President of the United States makes a statement likes that, it would unify everyone in the room. This wasn’t the case. This thinking by President Trump was taken as a blow to “women’s reproductive rights”, as Stacy Abrams essentially acknowledged during her rebuttal of the SOTU. It’s odd that Stacy Abrams, the first black woman to give a Democratic rebuttal, thinks that it’s bad the President is pro-life when black women lead the pack in receiving abortions. Go figure.

President Trump Is a Racist
The oddest thing I find about President Trump is that he is racist. I actually, don’t believe he is racist. I just think that this narrative that America (or the Russians, if you believe in conspiracy theories) elected a Nazi is ridiculous. Where were these loud mouth liberals the last 30 years Donald Trump has been a public figure? Where were the Hollywood actors, politicians, and academics that claim President Trump is the modern day Hitler? Only when Donald Trump announced his candidacy did the race pimps come out from beneath their rocks. In fact, his first campaign speech is arguably when the “racist Trump” (according to the media’s false reporting) was born. Then candidate Trump talked about Mexico and the ills of the lack of adequate borders and immigration laws. Ultimately, the mainstream media reported that Trump called ALL Mexicans rapists. In actually, that is not what he said. This is what Trump said:
“When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. […] When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you; they’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting.”

Perhaps the most frustrating thing is that with all the technological capabilities available at our disposal, some people will still not go do the research and review what Trump said during his first campaign speech regarding Mexicans. The false narrative that he hates Mexicans and thinks they are all rapists will forever be in the ethos.
The Take Away?
The time of reckoning is upon America once more with the 2020 presidential election a year away. We will see if the false narratives and demonization of President Trump by the (mockingbird)media, politicians, and Hollywood alike will slow down the Trump train. Not to say Trump is perfect, he has his issues just like his predecessors who were in office. However, I will make my bet now that Trump gets reelected in 2020 because Americans don’t want to kill newborn babies and most reasonable people don’t hold the view that the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler is in the White House.